Three Key Skills to Talk About Your Art

1. Understand Your Audience

The first step is to understand why your art is meaningful to you. When you understand this, it's  possible to explain to others. What is one aspect of your art that you believe is essential for other people to know? Brainstorm about this essential element and sum it up in a few, clear sentences.

The second step is to figure out a way to explain this element to five different individuals, such as: an artist friend, a non-artist friend, an art curator or art professor, a neighbor, and someone from a completely different age bracket from you. 

Tweak your description based on your exact audience. Check in with your gut to confirm you are in alignment with yourself and your art. Creating art is an intuitive and at times, a spontaneous process.  

It’s OK to not know why you made a particular choice that is genuine and trustworthy. Speak about what you do know. You will come across as informed, which will boost your confidence as well.

Art is subjective and those people who feel an emotional connection to your artwork will purchase it. 

How do you talk about the insights into the work itself? How did you conceptualize the idea?

Use simple relatable language that people can understand and appreciate. When an individual or  audience you speak to feel like they can connect with you or your work, you will find buyers!

2. Elements vs. Visual

Give the viewer a BTS (behind the scenes) look at the inspiration that brought your work to life. Always find the consistent point that you return to when you find yourself wanting to describe your work. For example: when comfortable speaking about your process, begin a conversation there. When you feel yourself going off-track, return to the process to get back on track.  

Choose words with benefits.  Delve Into Your Process.  Describe the process that got you to where you are with the work. What do you do for inspiration? Where did you find the inspiration for a particular piece of artwork? How do you choose your medium? What goes through your mind when a new idea strikes you? 

3. Stay Positive

Look at your art in a positive light.  A way to network and connect with more people. A positive attitude will land you more opportunities with gallerists, curators, as well as clients.  Talking about your work is a fulfilling and rewarding endeavor. With practice and consistency, you will become  confident while talking about your work to audiences of all sizes!

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